Thursday, July 23, 2009

Fayetteville Feed - Nicki Hart

This is the sixth issue of the Fayetteville Feed. I was lucky enough to shoot native actress Nicki Hart in her element at the Cape Fear Regional Theatre. CFRT is always willing to lend me a hand for my projects, and for that, I am grateful. Where to start with Nicki...... She is an amazingly boisterous person full of good cheer, a talented actress and a beauty. When I told her about the idea to shoot her paying homage to Lucy, she got right on board. We had an excellent time preparing and shooting and I hope to work with her in the future.

Check out the fayetteville feed at

Fayetteville Feed - The Fifth

This is the fifth issue of the Fayetteville Feed and it just seems right to feature Universal Recording artists, The Fifth. These guys have a great stage prescence and are actually from Fayetteville. This session was shot at a local strip club and we did not hesitate to use some of the resident talent. We congratulate the band on their recent contract with Universal Records. Keep it up guys!

Check out the fayetteville feed at

Fayetteville Feed - Jim Darrien and Topher McLean

This is the fourth issue of the Fayetteville Feed. Jim and Topher run a comedy night called improv party on Saturday nights at the Prince Charles Hotel in Fayetteville, NC. Together they run Twelve 3 Entertainment, They came in and had no qualms about beating up a pinata and threatening cream pies at one another. I know their efforts in Fayetteville will lead to a stronger arts scene in this area.

Check out the fayetteville feed at

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Fayetteville Feed - Cardiact

This is the third issue of the Fayetteville Feed. We were back working with talented hip hop artist Cardiact. We are slowly becoming good friends and have many more plans to work together. Keep an eye out on this blog for info on his upcoming album release; Act One:Pulse as we are working on the album cover and design with Cadrdiact. These were shot in the studio where Dad and I are at our most creative wrking with eachother.

Check out the fayetteville feed at

Fayetteville Feed - Rhett and Link

This is the second issue of the Fayetteville Feed. This time, the cover story was on internet comedians, musicians, videographers and hosts, Rhett and Link. These guys were sports and were also fun to work with. I feel their work will best describe what they do.
Please check out their site at
Check out the fayetteville feed at

Fayetteville Feed - Paddy

Recently, I started shooting covers and features for a new arts and entertainment magazine called Fayetteville Feed. It is currently online only but the creator, James Johnson, aims to display the featured artists in photographs closer to national magazines rather than those of a local rag. I am honored he thinks of my work in this way and instantly agreed to shoot a series of covers when he approached me.

This is the first issue spotlighting musician and pub owner Paddy Gibney. Paddy has a long history in Fayetteville, NC, and along with his band mate Bill Ayerbe, they have a huge following that spreads all over the state. My Father and I met with Paddy and Bill at Paddy's Pub one Friday at around 8pm. After a few drinks and a lot of talk we ended up eating dinner together, and by the time dinner was over they were about to go on stage, so, Dad and I stayed to maybe catch a couple of tunes. Yeah Right. We left close to 3am totally pissed and absolutely blown away by their stage performance! I have never seen a band connect with a crowd so successfully and in such a personal way. They play a mix of traditional Irish drinking songs, covers and originals and it is a sight to behold. Picture a packed bar full beyond capacity where every single person is singing along with one Guiness filled pint in the air and their other arm around the patron next to them. What a blast!
Check out the fayetteville feed at
and Paddy at