Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Reigning Wet T-Shirt Champ!

Amanda is the Wet T-Shirt Contest Champion at the Ugly Stick Saloon. As sponsors, our lovely winner was offered the prize of a 2 Hour shoot at Candy Gram Images, and she graciously accepted. She is quickly comfortable in front of a camera and is easy to get to know. With as much fun as we had, I'm sure we'll sponsor more of these fabulous events with photo shoot prizes.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Bobcat Attack!

Alicia is great to work with and isn't afraid to try things that seem like they might not work, like posing with a stuffed bobcat. She has a great attitude, a wonderful personality, and in case you haven't noticed, she is beautiful. This was lots of fun. I think Alicia, Katrina and I laughed the whole time.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Postcards From Dyslexic Heads

I have to say this was exasperating to shoot because it was taken at a show dedicated in remembrance of a long time and loved friend, Atom Xmas. His brother Josh, Eddie and Uly ,performed as Dyslexic Postcards at PS14 in Downtown Miami. These photos were snapped in between fits of crying and consoling an amazingly supportive and uncommonly large group of real friends at the show. I managed to get some shutter drag shots and worked on some in post for effect. Whatever, I miss Adam.

Adam Hernandez, son of Jose and Kay, brother of Joshua and loved by anyone who came in contact with him. A look through any window into Adam's life at any time would reveal a kid with a smile. He had an ability to take things as they came, as if he'd been there and done that. Adam could figure anything out just by watching and paying attention. Bass and guitar were a breeze for him, growing up sitting in on all our practices, but he was a drummer right off the bat. I could show up to practice at Kay's house, on any given day and find him bashing away at my drums. Like Tommy Lee's headband, he soaked it all up. I remember Adam coming over to the house to play with my little bro, Jorge. Jorge taught him in one day how to do stop animation and they made movies. They must've been 10 years old at most. By 14 he was sitting in with us and played with Josh and me for years. It was staggering to take in the multitude of people that showed up in support the next night at a gathering in his honor. Adam has two separate generations of friends, those who were his age and those Josh's age. We all gravitated towards him. Those who knew him thought he was the coolest, those who didn't know him felt, maybe they should. The holes he leaves are dug deeper owing to the fact that he only lived to be 26. My thoughts are drawn to those who miss him...........................I Love You Adam.